Saturday, September 17, 2011

Study Through Philippians - Week 2


The Study of Paul's Letter to the Philippians (week 2)Click here for audio

Paul's letter to the Philippians is certainly a practical letter written to a group of fellow believers that he deeply loved and was concerned about. In spite of its practical purpose and nature there are tremendous teachings in this letter that apply to all believers of all times. Among the great things we learn and to which we are exhorted in this letter are to be filled with joy, live in unity within the body of Christ, be content and satisfied, and to stand firm in the true faith in the face of persecution. In this letter Paul clearly explains the key to attaining these virtues of joy, unity, contentment and suffering well. Because it is more practical in nature than perhaps Romans for instance, we will have to look a little more carefully to understand what Paul wants us to see as the key to these virtues but the effort will be well worth it!

  1. 1:12-30- For to me to live is Christ...! (week 3)
    1. Review from first week – Q&A
      1. What did you take away from Php 1:1-11?
      2. What did you take away from John Piper's sermon? What passage did he preach on and what passage did he refer to as the background understanding for the passage he preached on?
    2. The things which happened to Paul worked out for the furtherance of the Gospel.
      1. What things is Paul referring to? Vs 14 makes it clear he is referring to his chains – his imprisonment that we discussed the first week. At the point he wrote Philippians he had already been in custody for for at least 3 years perhaps for as long as 5.
      2. In what way had his imprisonment worked out for the furtherance of the Gospel?
        1. Vs 13 – the palace guard and “all the rest” knew he was in prison because of Christ.
          • Christ was being made known more widely
          • And Christ was being exalted as supremely valuable. Only because Paul so highly values Christ is he willing to be endure imprisonment for Him.
        2. Vs 14 references the encouragement of the brethren. Paul's suffering, more specifically his suffering well (because suffering “poorly” would have the opposite effect of encouragement), was building the confidence and boldness of the other Christians in Rome (presumably) so they were preaching the gospel more effectively.
          • But why would Paul's suffering imprisonment strengthen the others? Because anytime a believer endures sacrifice and suffering for Jesus he/she is proclaiming their absolute confidence in the reality of Jesus and the supreme value of Jesus. This inspires others. But more than that, our suffering and sacrifice provides opportunity for the amazing miracles of God to sustain us in Jesus providing signs of His reality and value to those who are watching.
        3. Also, Vs 15-17 reveal that some of those “watching” Paul's ordeal were not sincere. Some were of course and they were emboldened to proclaim the glories of Christ more effectively because of Paul's example. But others were not sincere and they were inspired to preach Christ thinking that doing so would cause more pain to Paul.
          • Because of envy and strife (attitudes toward Paul and perhaps Paul's followers) they thought they would preach while Paul was confined and get new believers who would be their followers and build a larger following than Paul...OR that preaching Christ more vigorously would cause the authorities to be more determined to keep Paul confined and perhaps execute him.
          • But others, who were emboldened to preach, did so out of love. I take this reference in vs 17 to mean that they realize Paul's role and they desire to be his sincere partner in the ministry as do the Philippians.
    3. Paul's underlying attitude and worldview comes out and reveals explicitly the secret to his joy, contentment, true unity, and suffering well (18-21).
      1. What is the result of these things (that some preach out of envy and strife while other preach out of love and sincerity) – that Christ is preached/exalted and this is Paul's greatest desire!
        1. His joy is not tied to his circumstances but tied to Christ so when Christ is exalted he gets joy!
        2. Paul expresses confidence that he will be delivered – one way or the other – by being released OR by death. Paul is most concerned that he be bold and suffer well not that he gets free. But he does seem to expect release...although his primary concern is that he exalt/magnify Christ through his physical existence – by living or dying.
        3. In vs 21 Paul explicitly articulates the very essence of his inner being, the very heart and soul of who he now is after Christ claimed his life - “to me to live is Christ and to die is gain”...because to die is more of Christ (vs 23)!
        4. This reveals the “secret” to the victorious living that Paul describes and exhorts for the Philippians – the kind of living that is joyful, contented, full of unity and harmony, and endures suffering with hope and victory.
          • The secret is that if Jesus Christ is our true treasure then whatever we need to do to get more of Him, closer to Him, to exalt Him, is so very worth it! If we are deprived of earthly comforts and pleasures but gain more of Jesus then what joy! If we don't get the things that other people have but we're able to be more focused on Christ what contentment! If we we are wronged by someone in the Church or we don't get what we want in budget planning session but through that we can draw closer to Christ by being wronged or letting someone else get what they want, what glorious unity! And if we can have a deeper and sweeter fellowship with Jesus when we suffer for Him oh what beneficial suffering it is!
          • When we understand this and surrender our lives to this the enemy can only serve to give us more of the Treasure we long for!
    4. As much as Paul longs for Christ he feels confident that he will be allowed to remain on earth a while longer for the benefit of the Philippians (22-26)
      1. The fruit of his labor in vs 22 is specifically the kind of fruit of his ministry that benefits the Philippians (24,25).
      2. What fruit of Paul's labor would result in the Philippians' “progress and joy of faith” (vs25)?
        1. Certainly I think just his physical presence which would be an encouragement to them (vs 26). It is so important, especially in the crucible of suffering and persecution to encourage one another through our coming together. Christ ministers to us physically in the presence of His people in the Body of Christ.
        2. Another aspect of Paul's labor we can be confident he is referring to that is needful for the Philippians is his teaching and pastoral ministry to protect the Philippians from false teachers (1:28 & 3:2).
        3. Finally, in addition to his physical presence which would be an encouragement in the face of suffering and persecution also his pastoral ministry of exhortation and rebuke to help the Philippians stay unified and stand fast in the faith. An especially important aspect of pastoral ministry is to exercise the discipline of God's work among the flock of God. Paul was doing just that by exhorting his congregation at Philippi to be unified with one mind and spirit throughout the letter. This letter is an example of this – mild rebuke, exhortation, encouragement, and guidance from the authority of God's word.
      3. As much as he wants to remain on earth to pastor the Philippians for the joy and progress of their faith he is truly torn (vs 23)– for him to be with Christ is far better!
        1. “Yet what I shall choose I cannot tell” (vs 22) - what does this mean - “what I shall choose”. It could be just another way of saying, “what will happen I cannot tell” but it could also reflect that, as a Roman citizen, Paul had some influence over the situation. After all, he had appealed to Rome in the first place and Agrippa had noted that Paul could have been set free had he not made the appeal (Ac 26:32). Of course Paul knows that God is in control and will determine the ultimate outcome, but perhaps Paul also knew that he was longing to be with Christ and was at the end of his ministry. Perhaps, he would not fight as hard as he could for release or exercise every option he had...he wanted to go home! But, he also felt a strong obligation to the Philippians to be an instrument for their progress in the faith.
      4. It is also important to note in this section how important joy is – (25-26).
        1. Paul said his remaining is needful for them. What is needful? Their progress in the faith (25b) – I take to mean growing and maturing in their faith and relationship with Christ – but also their JOY in the faith (25b).
          • This says that joy in the faith is needful. It is important and required for the Christian!
        2. He also says. “that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ...” For them to rejoice abundantly in Christ for Paul's ministry is important and needful. I take this to mean that a Christ centered, Christ exalting joy for Paul's ministry which is focused on preaching Christ so that Jesus is exalted, is absolutely a priority for the Philippians. It is critical that persecution, suffering, enemies NOT steal our joy.
        3. How critical joy is! Why would Paul put such importance on Joy for the Christian life?
          • Because if Christ is our Treasure then joy is the only fitting attitude for the Christian.
          • Joy in Christ while in the midst of suffering and persecution that takes or threatens to take everything we have in this life away, or in the midst of abundance that threatens to diminish Christ in this life, is the only fitting attitude because it shows and reveals that we truly do treasure Christ above all else.
    5. But suffering and persecution does threaten to steal our joy and contentment, destroy our unity, and shake our faith, all of which would not only hurt us but also reflect poorly on Christ as our Treasure (vs 27-31).
      1. So Paul exhorts them to have the kind of behavior that is worthy of the gospel of Christ – fitting for those claiming that Jesus Christ is their greatest Treasure.
      2. Specifically, Paul wants to hear that they are standing fast in their faith but in unity with each other – unified in spirit and in their thinking as they strive together for the faith. Striving for the faith in this context most likely means against their adversaries (vs 28) that are probably a combination of those who are causing them to suffer for believing in Christ AND those who are trying to distort the gospel of Christ (3:2).
      3. The main point Paul is making is that they are to remain unified not letting the persecution tear them apart by causing them to turn on one another or abandon one another out of fear.
      4. Note that Paul says that by not being terrified by their adversaries it serves to prove to the adversaries they are headed to perdition but the Philippians are destined for salvation.
        1. How is fearlessness proof of their perdition (damnation) and the Christians' salvation?
          • It demonstrates to them (your adversaries) that Christ to you is more valuable than your earlthy goods or physical safety. That gives credibility to your message (the gospel) and creates a compelling argument for the reality of what you are proclaiming and therefore that they are wrong! So they find themselves wondering, questioning, “why are they fearless in the face of our threats? Could it be they have the truth”?
          • And for the Christian the converse is true – the fearlessness demonstrates the reality of Christ in them, the hope of glory (Col 1:27)! Anytime we face suffering and stand firm, stay unified in the face of persecution, or overcome temptation it is evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in you because our salvation is all of God not of us.
      5. BECAUSE (For) it has been granted...(vs 29). The reason that fearlessness in the face of suffering is a sign of our salvation, is because suffering is part of what has been given to us.
        1. SO Paul is saying here that because of/based on Christ's work (on behalf of Christ) it has been gifted to us to believe in Him. This supports what Paul says in vs 28 that salvation is from God. SO by His grace we are given faith to believe in Christ which of course is a critical component of salvation (Eph 2:8-9).
        2. But not only is faith a gift. The shocking (to us at least) part of what Paul says is that suffering for Christ is also a gift! What a perspective! Our salvation is NOT a gift from God to take us into heaven trouble free. In fact, the opposite is true. (Mat 5:10-16)
          • Our salvation is accompanied by trouble, suffering, persecution. This allows us to demonstrate the Treasure that Christ has become to us because of salvation. It allows us to be salt and light.
          • All who desire to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted (2Ti 3:12) – as we encounter resistance, persecution and suffering for the Name it serves to demonstrate the authenticity of our faith which encourages us and strengthens us to endure to the end (Mat 5:12)
          • It also develops our character as we suffer. We learn to trust in Christ and His provision, it tears us away from the alluring lies of the world, it helps us to learn courage and gives us the opportunity to love our enemies.
      6. But it is good to know we are not going it alone – vs 30. Paul reminds them that they are experiencing the same conflict that he too is experiencing. How important the body of Christ is to encourage us as we suffer together!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Study Through Philippians - Week 1

The Study of Paul's Letter to the PhilippiansClick here for audio
Paul's letter to the Philippians is certainly a practical letter written to a group of fellow believers that he deeply loved and was concerned about. In spite of its practical purpose and nature there are tremendous teachings in this letter that apply to all believers of all times. Among the great things we learn and to which we are exhorted in this letter are to be filled with joy, live in unity within the body of Christ, be content and satisfied, and to stand firm in the true faith in the face of persecution. In this letter Paul clearly explains the key to attaining these virtues of joy, unity, contentment and suffering well. Because it is more practical in nature than perhaps Romans for instance, we will have to look a little more carefully to understand what Paul wants us to see as the key to these virtues but the effort will be well worth it!

  1. 1:1-11- Background and Introduction (week 1)
    1. Paul and Timothy...bondservants (slaves) of Jesus Christ
      1. Identifies himself along with Timothy his companion and son in the faith (Ac 16:1)
      2. Bondservants/slaves of Christ. Paul's self-identification is as a slave to Christ – a willing, adoring slave but nevertheless compelled to follow and serve. But the compulsion is one of love – compelled by the love of Christ and compelled by love for Christ (1Cor 16:22, 2Cor 5:14)
      3. In Paul's mind the highest honor is not that he is an Apostle, leader, prophet etc – but a slave!
    2. To the saints in Philippi – the holy ones, set apart ones, - in Christ Jesus. It is in Christ alone that we are holy, set apart by God unto God as His special people for His special purpose.
      1. Also to the church leaders – Bishops or overseers (pastors/elders) and deacons.
      2. Philippi was a Roman colony so enjoyed special status and privileges and its citizens were proud of this fact.
      3. We learn about the founding of the church in Philippi by Paul in Acts 16:14-40. Paul probably made his first visit in AD 49-50 and wrote this letter to them in AD 61-62 shortly before his martyrdom.
    3. He prays for them with all joy because of his love for them and their fellowship in the gospel ministry from the beginning until now so their relationship has stayed strong through the years and, as we shall see, through much hardship and persecution
    4. Paul's confidence and hope (which fuels our prayer life) is based on God's sovereign work in the lives of the Philippian Christians and in all Christians (vs 6).
      1. This is one of the key teachings that we find along the way in this letter. It is not one of the primary purposes of the letter to teach the truth of God's sovereign work of grace in saving AND sustaining Christians but Paul uses this truth to encourage them.
      2. God save us by His sovereign grace. We don't work for it, earn it, deserve it, get better positioned for it. God begins the work AND finishes the work strictly by His unmerited grace so there can be NO boasting on our part (Rom 3:27).
      3. God will finish His work in us causing us to endure, persevere to the end – until Jesus takes us to Himself.
    5. Paul overflows with love and affection for the Philippians and reveals that he is in chains (vs 7). Most likely he is in Rome in prison as the book of Acts leaves off, teaching and preaching from house arrest as it were.
      1. The defense and confirmation of the gospel refers to his arrest instigated by the Jews over the fact that he was standing firm that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone...and equally available to Gentile and Jew alike (Ac 21-28).
      2. The Philippians have been a faithful partner with Paul in his mission and their mission – to live for Christ and spread the word about Him. He will elaborate more on this throughout the letter.
    6. One of his main prayer focus areas for the Philippians is that their love will abound with knowledge and discernment (vs 9). This is hugely instructive!
      1. So many Christians get sucked into dangerous movements and bad teachings because they mistakenly embrace the doctrines of love and grace without embracing with equal fervor the doctrines of truth and justice. Paul prays (and therefore exhorts) that the Philippians have their love fully undergirded by knowledge and discernment.
      2. Only by a strong commitment to reading and studying the word of God can we ensure that we know Christ who reveals that God is love (1Jn 4:8) AND claims for Himself that He is the Way and the Truth (Jn 14:6).
      3. The flow of our culture is that everyone's opinion is equally valid, truth is relative, the “politics” of a situation or topic is more important than the truth of it...but God's word clearly teaches that truth is non-negotiable and that as Christians we must be equally committed to truth AND love, grace AND justice. Only by God's word and His Holy Spirit can we achieve this.
    7. This is the ONLY way we will be able to approve, confirm, acknowledge and embrace the true and excellent things of God so that we will remain sincere and without offense until Christ returns to claim us.
      1. This is also the key to producing the fruit of righteousness. If he have truth without love we fail (1Cor 13), but if we have love without truth and discernment we fail to. We can be led into sin which compromises both love and truth.
      2. The fruit of righteousness can only come through/by Christ. In other words, it is because we are saints (set apart) in Him that we can do anything that pleases God. Christ covers us with His righteousness so we are righteous in God's sight but also God then works to produce His righteousness in us so we glorify Him.
      3. This is Paul's prayer for the Philippians whom he loved deeply. Let this be instructive to us as well. I think we spend too much time praying for physical healing, jobs, and various other types of earthly comforts on behalf of our loved ones. Rather let us spend more time praying that our loved ones will know Christ and grow in love for Christ and others and will produce the fruit of righteousness for the glory of God.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Philippians Bible Study Outline


The Study of Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Paul's letter to the Philippians is certainly a practical letter written to a group of fellow believers that he deeply loved and was concerned about. In spite of its practical purpose and nature there are tremendous teachings in this letter that apply to all believers of all times. Among the great things we learn and to which we are exhorted in this letter are to be filled with joy, live in unity within the body of Christ, be content and satisfied, and to stand firm in the true faith in the face of persecution. In this letter Paul clearly explains the key to attaining these virtues of joy, unity, contentment and suffering well. Because it is more practical in nature than perhaps Romans for instance, we will have to look a little more carefully to understand what Paul wants us to see as the key to these virtues but the effort will be well worth it!

  1. 1:1-11- Background and Introduction (week 1)
  2. John Piper Sermon on Php 3 – Video (week 2 – Bruce out of town)
  3. 1:12-30- For to me to live is Christ...! (week 3)
  1. 2:1-18- Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (weeks 4 & 5)
  2. 2:19-30- ...and hold such men in esteem (week 6)
  3. 3:1-21- I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus...(weeks 7 & 8)
  4. 4:1-8- Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I will say rejoice! (week 9)
  5. 4:9-23- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (week 10)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What it's all about

I struggled for quite some time with the question, "to blog or not to blog"?! For a long time I answered with, "not to blog" because in many ways I see it as a narcissistic waste of precious time. But a mentor of mine by the name of John Piper ( convinced me since that is the case (so often) some of us should dedicate ourselves to adding true value to this medium. After consideration I agreed and started this blog.

The blog is dedicated to advocating the truth that God is the most glorious and wonderful reality in the universe and that He created all things for His glory. Rather than being an egomaniacal thing it is the most self-less and loving thing God could have done. By being most concerned that He be glorified (which means that His beauty and fullness is displayed for all to see and know) He offers infinite and ultimate joy and satisfaction to all who will love and worship Him. (Gen 1:26-28, Ex 9:16, 29:43, Ps 4:2, Isa 42:8, 43:7, 48:11, 66:18, Eze 20:9,14, 20:44, Mal 1:11, Jn 1:14, Eph 1:11-14, 1Pe 4:13).

Of course then the opposite is true as well. For all those who refuse to acknowledge God, love Him and praise His glory, there awaits the opposite of joy and satisfaction. God will (in perfect justice) deliver His wrath upon them and for them there is (per Jesus) "weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Mat 13:36-43).

This then is the most important topic and most significant subject to be considered and understood. It is worth a blog! Is this really true? If so, what are the implications for life? My hope and prayer is that people from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe will eventually find their way to this blog or another place at which the truly significant and important matters are being considered. In that considering God's glory will be revealed and relished by some...and sadly it will be revealed and rejected by others. But in the end God's name will be exalted by all!