Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Prayer for Victor Lee

Father, I come before you on behalf of my brother Victor Lee. Lord you know his need, his pain, his fear and I know you are his hope. As he faces this cancer and surgery tomorrow I pray your supernatural power be upon him to sustain his hope, his joy, his physical strength and most of all his faith...and upon his family, oh Lord especially his family. Lord be their mighty fortress and strong tower, a very present help in this time of great need. I ask that you heal him, miraculously and profoundly heal him and make your name known greatly throughout our region by what you do in and through Victor. But Father, the greatest thing I can ask for Victor (and his family) is that through this trial he will come to know you in a deeper and more authentic way than he has known you ever before. Lord let him experience the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ that he may know the power of His resurrection in a profoundly real way that his joy may be deep and abundant and You may be more clearly seen as the source of all joy! Lord, through this fiery ordeal give Victor a mature, seasoned, sober and unshakable confidence in You. May he run to you, cling to you, gaze upon you yearning to experience more of you because in the flesh he (as are we all) is wasting away but in the inner man is being renewed day by day into the image of his Creator! Oh Lord show the world the victory of Christ in Victor so that Victor's name will be a fitting reminder of the overwhelming victory we have in You! Amen

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